
What is Odour Neutralizer?

Advanced nanotechnology. A blend of botanical extracts that neutralizes odours.

Air Neutralizer: Effectively neutralizes odours caused by smoking, urine, vomit, mildew and cooking odours.

  • Extremely effective against sulphur, nitrogen & mercaptan-based odors.

Hard Surface Deodorizer: Rapidly eliminates odours from counter tops, tables, walls, restrooms, urinals, toilets, garbage containers and used in routine cleaning applications.

  • Eliminates flies instantly.
  • Instantly destroys odors from refuse containers, collection vehicles, landfills, sewers & more.
  • Alters the method bacteria decomposes waste so that it does not produce noxious odors.

Fabric Refresher: Quickly neutralizes odours from upholstery, carpet and fabric surfaces without chemicals.

  • Neutralizes odors, does not mask with fragrances or perfumes

Where to use?

Use in hospitals, nursing homes, nurseries, kennels, veterinary facilities, restaurants, hotels, athletic facilities, office buildings. hard surfaces like walls, tables, floors, chairs, restrooms and fabrics (upholstery, drapes and bedding).

How to Apply?

(Contact your Traderite Solutions representative for assistance and advice.)

 Remove as much of the odour-causing element as possible.

 Hard Surfaces: Spray a light mist on hard surface. Allow to stand for 5 minutes. Then wipe excess from surfaces with a clean, absorbent cloth.

For Fabrics: Spray a light mist on drapes, carpet, fabrics and upholstered furniture to eliminate odours and freshen fabrics. Always test in an inconspicuous area for colorfastness.

Air: Apply with sprayer or fogger. Use finest mist. Stand in centre of room. Lightly mist upper portions of room near ceiling. Turn and spray in all directions.

What is Nano-Natural Technology?

Nano-Natural Technology is the use of extremely small molecular structures and all-natural ingredients. One nanometre (nm) equals one ten-thousandth of the thickness of a human hair. Nano-Natural Technology involves Active-Nanoids which dissolve and remove odours from the air or any surface without using chemicals. Odour Neutralizer breaks down odours into microscopic particles that disperse and repel one another. The particles are then easy to neutralize and less likely to re-adhere to the cleaned surfaces. The molecular structure of these particles is so small they can forcefully penetrate molecules of daunting odours for quick and easy neutralizing. The particles penetrate and neutralize odorous molecules for quick and easy removal of noxious substances.